Since it's November first, I will be posting about the great month of October- obvi (I'm running a bit behind aren't I??) ! Even though I'm a warm weather girl, October is my absolute favorite month! From cider to autumn leaves, pumpkin patches and Halloween to scarves and cute jackets, October is by far the best. And what a busy month it was!
In makeup news, I filmed my first ever TV pilot! Hopefully being looked at by FX and Comedy Central, this "Wings" meets "The Office" sitcom will have you rolling. Let me tell you though, shooting at an airport was no easy task. All of the rules and time constraints we had to abide by PLUS getting my makeup case through TSA- not the easiest circumstances for filmmaking but definitely the most rewarding. The cast and crew was incredible and I even worked with a few "celebrities" (Jeremy Axworthy, a UK child star from the 50's/60's and the little girl on all of the Barbie boxes). I've also topped my list of the most interesting places I've ever done makeup! My new #1: A gutted Fed-Ex cargo plane- check out the pic:

What's even more exciting- Jeremy is being funded by a council in Germany to film a spy movie and we might be going to Berlin next year to shoot! Keep your fingers crossed for me :)

Now for other Fall fun: Halloween Activities! This year I got to cross off a bunch of October to-dos including a pumpkin patch and hayride, carving pumpkins (although my Peter Pan and Tinkerbell was never fully finished), flashlight corn maze, trick-or-treating, and of course- a Halloween party. My costume this year was a forensic anthropologist from the TV show "Bones". A combination of Angela Montenegro's style and Temperance Brennan's haircut and Jeffersonian ID Badge (thank you Only after I put together my costume did I realize my little brother's skeleton costume fit rather perfectly. We make a good pair! :

What did you do for October??
Maleeva xoxo