First off: I worked on a film at the beginning of the year with Award-Winning Director Robert X. Golphin where I met SFX Makeup Artist Delia de Cock (I know, I know- that's really her last name). She was amazing and even though she was keying the film she still had me do the lead actress. Recently collaborated on both a wedding and an FX photoshoot (pictured below) with me as the subject. She is an excellent contact and becoming a good friend and I relish the opportunity to collaborate in the near future!

Also while I've been away from you I've brought on two more partners and was charged with the national expansion of the Motives Cosmeceutical line in my organization! When I'm not bartending or on set, I'm sitting down with professionals in the industry to get their opinions on this incredible brand as well as teaching salons how to incorporate it into their businesses. On top of that I've also been doing custom blended mineral foundations and learning airbrushing (pauses to catch breath). It's been quite the busy few months, but very rewarding! I've done another Preston and Steve's: Philly's Hottest shoot and so hopefully I'll be able to share those pictures soon. I've also been contacted by one of my producers and offered 3 feature length films with the first beginning production in October. I'm really excited about the possibility of not only traveling and doing film full time, but becoming a producer. Pray for me! :)
I'll keep you posted! No...really....I will.
Make it a good day!
Maleeva xoxo
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