There have been a few issues weighing heavily on my mind as of late and I would like to share my thoughts in a public forum in hopes for comments, suggestions, and/or feedback. I've slipped on the upkeep of this blog, and for that I do apologize. I would like to keep this running for any longer stories, makeup tips, or tricks I can share, but I've heard a Tumblr page might be more effective. Any thoughts?
Okay, now for the heart of the matter. It is my belief that if you are in a position of influence ( mentor, leader, educator, advisor etc) it is your obligation to speak honestly, truthfully, and with education on whatever topic, concern, or question it is that you are addressing. "Obligation" isn't even the proper word because I feel that it has a negative connotation. I believe it is your duty, blessing, and privelage! I am absolutely baffled by the sheer number of people who, when presented with a question they don't know the answer to, or conversing on a topic they know nothing about, simply make it up. It's preposterous! Someone is coming to you seeking education, guidance, or wisdom and you have the audacity to dismiss them by answering them with something that may be less than accurate? Now I understand that that may sound drastic. I'm sure the first thought that crosses someone's mind isn't "Oh I'm going to be completely disrespectful by answering with the first thing that I come up with"...but isn't that what happens? And I've been guilty of it too, trust me.
I'm a Makeup Artist and come from a beauty and film background, but I do not know everything and would never claim to. Now if I'm addressed with a question I don't know the answer to, whether it's an ingredient in a product or the way to achieve a look, I do the research! I think the problem is people are so focused on immediacy and instant gratification that they lose sight of the end result. We put so much weight on a title or appearance of professionalism rather than the actual act. The expectation and assumption that because we are a Makeup Artist, or Teacher, or Financial Advisor we should be able to answer every question in that field because that makes us sound professional...and if we sound professional everyone will believe us, no matter the amount of BS we employed to pull it off. This will get us respect. WRONG! You EARN respect by the way you treat others, the way you handle your career, and the EDUCATION with which you guide others. I would much rather tell someone "I don't know, but I will be happy to find the answer for you
or send you some information" than disseminate a web of misinformation. The spoken word is powerful and I think we tend to overlook that. People talk. As fast as a lie can spread, so too can misinformation and it is much harder to retrain the brain than to train it properly from the get go.
I think it is time to start focusing on a solution. Start thinking. Time to stop focusing on "I" and "you" solely, and start looking at the whole equation: What can "I" do to help "you" so that "we" can move forward. THAT is professionalism. THAT earns respect. It's not about how fast you can come up with an answer, but how hard you will work toward a solution.
Maybe I've gone off on a tangent, maybe I'm putting too much emphasis on something so simple as a wrongfully answered question...but something tells me that instances so overlooked as that have ruined businesses and brought down empires simply because of the snowball effect. So lastly, as I wrap this up, don't trust anyone elses's word on something that's important to you. Do your own research. Your success, your health, your passion, your education, your dreams are yours and yours alone. You are the only one living your life so don't let anyone else do it for you!
Maleeva xoxo